Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm His Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God's masterpiece.
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things
He planned for us long ago."

I don't often think of myself in this way, do you? As...
"God's masterpiece"
I wake up, get ready for the day, do the things on my to-do list, play on the computer, eat, sleep, etc. and many times forget to even spend time during the day with the Lord. I feel so selfish when I realize how little time I spend with my Creator. Taking time to sit and talk with Jesus is so easy! I just stopped what I was doing a bit ago and spent a few moments in prayer. I was texting on my phone with my friend and realized from our conversation that I needed to stop and pray. My friend has been struggling with his faith lately, well for a long time, and I was trying to give some encouragement when I realized that I needed to stop and pray for him. During my prayer for him, I realized that my life isn't all it needs to be either and I continued in prayer for my heart too. Its neat when God uses others to see what's needed in our own life too. I LOVE that its so easy to talk with God...He's always there whenever we need Him. So why don't we do it more often? He's the only true constant in our lives and we put Him on the backburner. Its pretty sad! I've been trying to get better at spending more time in prayer and its amazing to see the difference in my life. I see the wrong that I ignored before and am taking steps to change...I see the bitterness I have and am trying to forgive...I see the laziness and am trying to get more involved and be more active...I am moving forward to do the good things that God created me for. I encourage you to spend some time this week looking at your life, attitude, heart and soul and see what it is you need to change so that you too can do the good things you were created for. I have realized that I'm not the best example of Christ's love, nor is my life the best example of what living in His image should be. I hope and pray that with God's help I can live more humbly, righteously, and holy...and He would see it as good in His sight. I'm so grateful for forgiveness and second chances. There's no way I can do this on my own, as I am weak...
but with GOD at my side,

Luke 18:27
But he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

Phillipians 4:6-13
[6] In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
[7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understnading, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
[8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
[9] The things which ye both learned and received and heard and saw in me, these things do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
[10] But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at length ye have revived your thought for me; wherein ye did indeed take thought, but ye lacked opportunity.
[11] Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content.
[12] I know how to be abased, and I know also how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want.
[13] I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me.

1 comment:

selle said...

thanks jodi...i needed that! =)